The Base will be open from Thursday 3rd September 2020. We look forward to welcoming our children and parents in the new term.
Enquiries are welcome from new parents, please view our welcome pack below and contact us with any enquiries.

The Base at George Fentham Endowed School in Hampton-in-Arden, near Solihull in England opened in September 2001 to provide before and after school care as well as nursery wraparound care for the school's pupils. The Base is very successful in providing stimulating and engaging childcare for the school pupils. We offer totally flexible, professional childcare on the school site to enable parents to relax, knowing that their child has been collected from school and is being looked after and entertained.
We have capacity for 40 children – this is based on our staff numbers and space, and also our approach of being a small friendly childcare unit supported by a voluntary management committee and run on a not-for-profit basis. We don’t have any plans to expand at present.
Waiting list
We keep a waiting list if we are full. Our policy for assigning places to those on the waiting list is as follows:
1st Children currently in the nursery year using wraparound care (12 – 3.20) have first priority.
2nd Children already using the after-school care on one or more days, and waiting for further days have 2nd priority.
3rd Siblings of children who already use after-school care.
4th All other children on the waiting list.
If places become available, these will be offered to those on the waiting list, based on the priority list above, in order of their length of time on the list. If the number of places or the days which are available are not suitable we will offer them to the next on the list.
If you are on our waiting list and make other arrangements in the interim please let us know. Also if you know you are not going to need your places in the future, we would really appreciate early notice of this.
Holiday schemes
The Base has ran holiday schemes in the past, to give parents extra cover and flexibility. However the holiday provision has been suspended due to low uptake. If there is need for the service in future we will look to reinstate it.
All full-time staff are fully qualified, CRB checked and first aid trained with other staff being CRB checked and working towards a qualification. All staff are continually updating qualifications. There is always a fully qualified and first aid trained staff member working at any one time and we have an adult to child ratio of 1adult to 8 children.
The Base is a non-profit making organisation supported by a Voluntary Management Committee (VMC) made up mainly of parents and carers.
We have capacity for 40 children – this is based on our staff numbers and space, and also our approach of being a small friendly childcare unit supported by a voluntary management committee and run on a not-for-profit basis. We don’t have any plans to expand at present.
Waiting list
We keep a waiting list if we are full. Our policy for assigning places to those on the waiting list is as follows:
1st Children currently in the nursery year using wraparound care (12 – 3.20) have first priority.
2nd Children already using the after-school care on one or more days, and waiting for further days have 2nd priority.
3rd Siblings of children who already use after-school care.
4th All other children on the waiting list.
If places become available, these will be offered to those on the waiting list, based on the priority list above, in order of their length of time on the list. If the number of places or the days which are available are not suitable we will offer them to the next on the list.
If you are on our waiting list and make other arrangements in the interim please let us know. Also if you know you are not going to need your places in the future, we would really appreciate early notice of this.
Holiday schemes
The Base has ran holiday schemes in the past, to give parents extra cover and flexibility. However the holiday provision has been suspended due to low uptake. If there is need for the service in future we will look to reinstate it.
All full-time staff are fully qualified, CRB checked and first aid trained with other staff being CRB checked and working towards a qualification. All staff are continually updating qualifications. There is always a fully qualified and first aid trained staff member working at any one time and we have an adult to child ratio of 1adult to 8 children.
The Base is a non-profit making organisation supported by a Voluntary Management Committee (VMC) made up mainly of parents and carers.